Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticulata)
The Guppy fish is probably the most popular aquarium fish species in the world, and is also known as one of the cheapest fish in shops even though some forms may be expensive. Small, beautiful, peaceful, lively, curious and hardy, there are many colourful variations (see the pictures below) that can be collected and easily bred. The Guppy fish is one of the best choices for beginners, especially children. However, like every fish kept in captivity, these fishes also require proper care and conditions. Although care of Guppy fish is easy, one shouldn't underrate it as Guppies may suffer of diseases too!
About Feeding
The Guppy fish can be feed a wide variety of foods (flakes,
Spirulina, lettuce, bloodworms, spinach, freeze dried foods, mosquito larvae).
They eat almost everything. Guppies have small stomachs and can only consume a
little bit of food at one feeding. By the way, it is entertaining to watch them
eat larvae, which are almost as big as Guppies. They eat them like big
spaghetti. It is recommended to feed them in small amounts at least 3 times
daily. When I kept these wonderful fishes, I used to give them food two times a
day. However, from time to time they ate eggs of Panda Cories (if eggs are in a
visible place, then they're not safe).

When males and females are together they will breed for sure (if both are healthy, adult, and not too old). The males will perform a courtship display in front of the female by spreading their fins and curving their body. The Guppies are livebearers. The fry can left for themselves immediately after they are born. As a matter of fact, the guppy fry are a delicacy to most fish. Floating plants are good hiding places for fry. A guppy female does mature in about 3 months, males mature sooner. A female’s period lasts about 4 weeks. They are quick breeders, so if you have only Guppies in the tank, they can over breed. As it is already mentioned above, one can use them as food for bigger fish (although it might sound too drastic). Unlike other fish species, the breeding process of Guppies is considered very easy in general. Guppy babies are often eaten by adult specimens. Some aquarists move the babies into another aquarium, however if water parameters are different, the fry may die easily. If you're moving babies to another fish tank, always use water from old aquarium too!
The Tank And Care
Guppy fish require fairly warm temperatures (23-24 °C, 82-84°F), but they can live in water between 19.0 - 29.0°C (69 - 86 °F) and quiet vegetated water is good for survival too (Vallisneria Spiralis is a good plant for this purpose since it grows from bottom to the surface, thus allowing Guppies to play, hide, chase each other). They are community fish. It is good to have more than 5 Guppies in a tank, otherwise they feel alone and this fact can affect their health in term of lifespan. It is recommended to have 1 male to 3females. They seem to be annoying to other fish in the tank , because they often follow other fish around incessantly, but they do no harm. Only sometimes other fish bite their fins. And some big fish can eat them (starting with Gouramis, ending with Goldfish or big cichlids such as Jack Dempsey or Texas cichlid). So be careful what fish are kept in the tank along with Guppies. The water in the tank should be the pH 7.0 - 8.5 and dH of water (dGH) 12.0 - 18.0 °N.
Since Guppies tend to live happily in a tank with more than 10-15 inhabitants, a reasonably sized fish tank is necessary for raising them. I would never put Guppies into a tank of 20 liters or less. Actually, a 20L aquarium will never contain full 20L of water thanks to gravel, filter, driftwood, and the fact that no fish tank is filled from top to bottom. Instead, at least 40 liters are required for about 10-12 Guppies.
Never put a Guppy into a small fish bowl! Fish bowls are known for causing orientation problems and fish in small fish bowls use to die in a short time! If for some reason there is no chance how to avoid a bowl, try to get one that's as big as possible. Preferably 60 liters and more. In addition, create rows in order to help the fishes to orientate.
Diseases of Guppies
Just like other fish species, Guppies may suffer of diseases
as well. The better water quality, the higher chances of keeping healthy
Guppies. It's important to understand that stress is one of the most important
factors in any disease. Feeling uncomfortable will lead to a disease no matter
it's a fish, or any other animal in general. Since there is an article devoted
to the most common diseases in home aquariums, feel free to visit it: aquarium
fish diseases. When keeping Guppies, maintain the water of high quality (free
of ammonia and related chemicals, pH of 7 at least, appropriate hardness and
carbonate hardness, stable temperature) and you'll avoid almost every disease.
Selling The Fish
Since Guppies are easy to breed, one can sell them very
easily too. Of course, you need buyers firstly. In order to be successful, get
various males (different colours, different sources) and only 2-3 males. Let them
breed and try to sell males, Females aren't as demanded as males due to colours
and fins. If you're trying to sell Guppies on the internet, make sure to take
pictures in order to help potential customers when deciding!
Guppies can be ready for sale once they reach 1cm in length. Experienced breeders may sale them earlier too, however bigger fish have a higher chance to survive the transport and acclimatise easily.
Guppies can be ready for sale once they reach 1cm in length. Experienced breeders may sale them earlier too, however bigger fish have a higher chance to survive the transport and acclimatise easily.
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Great post.